The frustrations of self-publishing

As some of my readers here know, I recently self-published my autobiography, “Getting Down to Brass Tacks,” which is now for sale on Amazon and numerous other online stores.

Getting the job done has been a bumpy road. You can’t do it on your own unless you’re at least somewhat computer savvy and have some knowledge of formatting in Word. I did my e-book first, through BookBaby, and was able (with their excellent customer service) to get the job done on my own, but when it came to doing the print-on-demand paperback through CreateSpace, I found the process so complicated that I finally hired someone to do it for me. book-promotion

After you’ve self-published your book, the inevitable question arises: Now what? Well, I’d been promoting my book here and in the social media, which aroused some interest initially. But after awhile, things cool down and you start to wonder what to do to spread the word about your book.

I started doing some research online, and found quite a number of offers to promote e-books, most of which involve paying a sizable fee, and many of them deal only with free books. As I rooted around some more, I discovered that there are authors who actually pay people to review their books. My response to all these deals was “ick.”

So where does that leave me? I’m not sure yet. I’ve always felt that self-promotion is kind of tacky, but I can see that it’s essential in the self-publishing world. I’m just going to keep on doing what I’m doing, spreading the word on social media and by word of mouth, and maybe hit up a couple of magazines for a possible review. I believe my book is a good read, so other than that, I’m just going to follow my intuition about what I should do (or not do).



Filed under the book, writing

11 responses to “The frustrations of self-publishing

  1. pclampson

    Yep! Follow that intuition! Spiritual sense, contradicting the material senses, involves intuition, hope, faith, understanding, fruition, reality. MBE (S&H 298). Love the penultimate word: FRUITION!

  2. Thanks for that vigorous, robust comment!

  3. I LOVED your book, Amy! It deserves all the promotion and nurturing you can give to it! 🙂
    Watch this:
    Karen Molenaar Terrell, author of *Blessings: Adventures of a Madcap Christian Scientist* and a bunch of other stuff…

  4. Ah, so THAT’S how it’s done! LOL

  5. Muriel Vasconcellos

    I’m in the same boat, Amy. I bought two books on the subject: “The Well-Fed Self-Publisher” and “1,001 Ways to Market Your Books.” They just arrived. So far the most interesting hint was “reverse shop-lifting.”

  6. You’ll have to explain to me what “reverse shop-lifting” is…sounds interesting!

  7. The very best of luck in promoting your book. I found self-publishing my collection of short stories, The First Time as an ebook relatively straightforward, however I find trying to promote my work frustrating at times. Keep writing! Kevin

  8. Promotion is necessary. I used to feel the same, that perhaps self-promotion is “tacky”, but I’ve changed my mind. I hope that readers will enjoy my story, so to find them, I have to advertise, promote, and do whatever possible to get their attention. Even in traditional publishers, I believe authors have to promote their books. I’m still sorting this out for myself, but I think first research for your target audience, then figure out how to reach them. Where are they likely to see an ad or post for your book?

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